Since childhood, everyone has known the juiciness and interesting taste of the largest berry - watermelon. Many people look forward to trying a piece of this cold delicacy all summer long. During the season, watermelons become very common and affordable for every budget, making this berry ideal for nutrition.
The watermelon diet has gained popularity due to its undoubted effectiveness and sweetness, since it is not so often that one is allowed to eat sweet foods during a weight loss program.
The essence of the watermelon diet, features and main benefits
Summer is coming, which means it's time to comprehensively cleanse the body and lose weight quickly. Sweet and juicy watermelon binds and removes a variety of harmful toxins, heavy metal salts, toxins, free radicals, metabolic products, as well as excess fluid from the body. Interestingly, allergies to watermelons are extremely rare, while gastronomic indicators (taste, color, aroma, calorie content) remain high. Yes, one hundred grams of juicy berry pulp contains only 35-40 kcal, which is quite low for a sweet product. In addition, watermelon consists of 90% healthy liquid that contains vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Well, the final chord of watermelon's dietary suitability is its extremely rapid digestibility and regular elimination from the body. Therefore, the body begins to spend energy from fat cells for development and vital activity, which promotes weight loss.
Experts say that thanks to its sweetness and high proportion of plant fiber, the watermelon diet is quite well tolerated without causing a debilitating feeling of hunger. This allows you to use it for 7 days, losing about 3-4 kg of excess weight (although mainly due to the removal of excess fluid and toxins from the body).
How and when should you follow a diet? First of all, you are tied to the time of the diet - August-September, when seasonal farmer's berries appear without nitrates and pesticides. During the watermelon diet, doctors advise taking a vacation, since the diuretic effect of the berry forces frequent visits to the women's toilet, which is not very convenient for a working person (especially when traveling). It is also better to minimize physical and psychological stress during this time. You can take walks in the fresh air, do yoga or do breathing exercises, but the rest of the time is better spent in a state of passive rest.
It is very important to choose the right watermelon for your diet. To check the berry for the presence of pesticides and nitrates, you should place a slice of watermelon pulp in plain water. If the slurry spreads over the surface of the water within 10-15 minutes, it means that nitrates may have been added to it. The watermelon should keep its shape. And do not forget about the optimal weight of the berry – about 6-8 kg. If your watermelon weighs less, it may not be sweet enough, and if it weighs more, the berry may be filled with altered substances. The shell should be tight and not leave dents. If you run your fingernail over it, only the top thin layer should come off a bit. The sound of a watermelon can also be an indication of the quality of the berry. When you hit it, you should hear a ringing and vibrating sound. A dull sound indicates an inferior product. To preserve the beneficial ingredients and freshness of the berry, store it in the refrigerator, cut into several pieces, after wrapping it in cling film.
The duration of the diet is usually no more than 10 days and the course can be repeated after a month, while the "velvet" season is still relevant.
Useful properties of watermelon:
- Fiber, abundantly contained in juicy berries, helps to bind and remove all harmful components as well as excess fluid from the body, thereby relieving tissues of swelling and promoting weight loss.
- In addition, the skin cells are cleansed of toxins and salt, which contributes to the renewal of the epidermis, giving it a healthier and fresher appearance. The same process occurs with hair and nails because the pulp contains sufficient calcium and potassium.
- Watermelon has a diuretic effect, which promotes the gentle cleansing of the kidneys, urinary tract and the body comprehensively. This also makes the berry an excellent antipyretic component.
- Watermelon helps to gently cleanse the liver of toxins.
- Helps stabilize blood cholesterol levels.
- Digestion and peristalsis improve. Watermelon prevents constipation and other intestinal problems.
- Folic acid has a positive effect on metabolism and is also helpful in early pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
- Watermelon contains sufficient iron, making it an essential food for anemia. Magnesium in the berry normalizes kidney function.
- Watermelon seeds are also suitable for nutrition - they are a natural remedy against parasites in the body.
The main benefits of the watermelon diet:
- During the season, the main ingredient is available on every corner and for every budget;
- The fruit is sweet, tasty and completely satisfying, so you won't feel very hungry or want to break your diet;
- Weight is moderately reduced, at the same time the body is comprehensively cleansed of harmful substances and excess water;
- The diet is effective - in a week "on watermelon" you will lose about 3-4 extra kilos, depending on your initial weight, lifestyle and individual body characteristics;
- Metabolism accelerates to the required level;
- The body gets used to eating small portions, the volume of the stomach decreases, which allows you to record the results of the diet for a long time;
- The condition of skin, hair, nails and complexion improves.
Watermelon diet menu and options
There are several options for the watermelon diet. Some suggest eating only watermelon pulp, but others are complex and allow you to dilute the menu with other healthy products. Of course, these include low-fat milk and sour milk products, healthy liquids (green tea, herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, smoothies, fruit drinks, nectars, plain water without gas and salt), steamed cereals (buckwheat, brown). rice, oatmeal), chicken eggs, lean meat, fish, seafood and poultry as well as vegetables and fruit.
Regardless of the diet you choose, the following items should not be on the menu:
- Spicy and fatty foods fried and baked in oil;
- sausages, smoked meats, sausages;
- Salty products (brine, marinades, preserves);
- Fatty meat and fish, offal;
- Starchy foods (potatoes, some vegetables);
- Wheat baked goods, pasta, fine baked goods;
- sweets, desserts, jams, confectionery;
- Animal and vegetable oils, sour cream, dressings, sauces, margarine, spreads, spreads, mayonnaise;
- Semi-finished products, ready meals in powder form, industrial snacks (chips, crackers), various fast food (fries, burgers);
- Salt and sugar in pure form, other food additives, excluding organic spices and seasonings (without salt);
- Liquids harmful to health (energy and caffeinated drinks, coffee and chocolate bars, packaged juices, alcoholic drinks);
- Tobacco products.
Let's get straight to the different options for the watermelon diet.
Watermelon mono diet for 1-3 days
The most effective and popular option, which is also known by another name: "Watermelon fasting days". Weight loss during a mono-diet is about 1 kg per day, which is very aggressive for the body. This option is suitable for quickly losing weight before aimportant event or a trip to the sea, but it is not recommended to stick to it for more than 3 days. The menu during the diet consists of watermelon pulp, green tea, herbal teas and plain water without gas or salt. The amount of pulp consumed is determined based on body weightof the person (divide the body weight in kg by 10 and the resulting number indicates how many kilograms of berries are allowed per day).
You need to be prepared for the fact that the mono diet is quite difficult to endure, hungry and unbalanced, so it is highly advisable to take biological supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes.
You can stick to the diet for 3 days the first time, and then regularly spend 1 fasting day per week on watermelon.
Complex watermelon diet for 5 days
The best option that allows you to lose about 2 kg without compromising your health and without cravings. The diet consists of 4 wholesome snacks, the last one should be consumed 2-3 hours before bedtime. The drinking regime should consist of at least 2 liters of healthy fluid per day.
An example of a watermelon diet menu for a day:
- We have breakfast with a hefty portion of 5% pressed cottage cheese without sugar and sour cream. We wash down breakfast with natural coffee beans or green tea with a slice of lemon. One kilogram of watermelon pulp is also included.
- For lunch we prepare a porridge side dish - about 250 g of buckwheat or brown unpolished rice. We eat 1 kg of watermelon pulp.
- For lunch we can again snack on low-fat cottage cheese or whole grain toast with a slice of hard cheese. One kilogram of watermelon is also included.
- For dinner we cook steamed brown rice. We eat kg of pulp.
- 2 hours before going to bed we can treat ourselves to another 1 kg of watermelon pulp.
If you get tired of the pulp, you can make fresh juice from the berries and use it to replace some "watermelon" snacks.
Complex watermelon diet for a week
The optimal and gentle option that will help you lose 3 kg of excess weight with a healthy and tasty menu. The diet consists of 3 full meals, where we try to have the last one a few hours before bed. The diuretic effect of the berry simply prevents you from falling asleep if you snack on watermelon at night.
Sample menu for 1 day:
- Breakfast includes a portion of low-fat cottage cheese, 1 boiled chicken egg, whole grain porridge with water from healthy cereals (wild rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
- We have lunch with proteins, for example boiled chicken fillet or stewed veal. We also prepare a light vegetable salad with herbs, which can be seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice.
- Dinner consists of 2-3 kg of watermelon pulp.
How to get off the watermelon diet
You should quit this diet, like any other, wisely, cautiously and gradually. As a rule, the withdrawal period is 5 to 10 days, depending on the duration of the diet. First of all, we include slow carbohydrates in the menu (whole grain bread, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries), proteins (lean meat, offal, fish, seafood, dairy products and fermented milk products) and healthy fats (seeds). , nuts, olive or linseed oil). In addition, we continue to consume watermelons at a rate of about 2 kg per day until the end of the season. Don't forget to drink your diet to maintain a healthy metabolism.
When you stop dieting, complement proper nutrition with moderate physical activity - swimming, running, walking, yoga, Pilates, dancing, aerobics, breathing exercises.
Homemade yoghurts, fruit salads with sour milk dressing, banana protein shakes, quark masses, marshmallows, dried fruits, jam and dried whole-grain biscuits are suitable as sweets when exiting the diet.
A sample menu for giving up the watermelon diet:
- We have breakfast with rice porridge with milk, 1 boiled egg, whole grain toast with lightly salted salmon.
- Snack – pear or apple, citrus juice.
- For lunch we prepare a vegetable soup with chicken pieces, Greek salad and a portion of stewed veal in low-fat sour cream (about 100 g).
- Snack – a few cheesecakes or cottage cheese with berries.
- Dinner usually consists of 2 kg of watermelon. Additionally, you can eat 1 boiled egg or a slice of dark chocolate.
Disadvantages of the watermelon diet and contraindications
Unfortunately, such a tasty and interesting diet cannot be without its drawbacks. Those who are losing weight noted the following disadvantages of the watermelon diet:
- The presence of side effects in the form of flatulence, stool disorders, flatulence, discomfort in the kidneys and liver. Also, during a mono-diet, headaches, nausea, weakness, loss of strength, irritability, apathy and nervousness are noted.
- The presence of a significant number of contraindications.
- The diet is seasonal, as you can enjoy natural watermelons for no more than 1. 5 months.
- The body does not receive enough protein, which can negatively impact athletic performance and lead to muscle loss.
- It is necessary to take biological supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes.
- Weight loss occurs mainly by removing excess fluid from the body, allowing the lost kilograms to return at the end of the course.
- A watermelon diet in such quantities quickly becomes boring, so the likelihood of a collapse increases.
The diet, as mentioned above, also has enough contraindications. The diet is prohibited in several cases:
- Chronic kidney diseases (stones, pyelonephritis and others), as well as excretory and genitourinary systems;
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as ulcers, gastritis, colitis, increased stomach acid, pancreatitis;
- The presence of allergic reactions to the main components of food, in particular to watermelon;
- The last months of pregnancy and restrictions on breastfeeding;
- Older people, childhood and youth;
- Endocrine system disorders;
- Presence of diabetes mellitus at any stage;
- The body's tendency to retain fluid;
- Metabolic disease.